What’s Your SEO Plan This Year?

Everybody would like to be top of Google. But claiming top spot has always been far from easy. Over the last decade SEO boffins have engaged in a battle with the world’s most popular search engine. Whether it was using bots to build links with thousands of sites at the press of a button, link pyramids or keyword stuffing , they had all manner of methods for outwitting Google’s carefully calculated algorithm.

But lately the Big G is making great progress in not only defeating these tactics but also taking revenge on those that have used them. Google’s Penguin and Panda updates may have soft and cuddly titles. But the destruction they have unleashed onto the search rankings, and revenue, of 1000s of affiliate marketers have led to many giving up the war completely.

A lot of affiliate marketers continue to use the same old tactics to infest websites with links to their websites. But their days are numbered. Its it’s only a matter of time before the Big G emerges victorious, and affiliate marketers bow their heads in subservience to the new rules of SEO.

<h3>how seo now works </h3>

Google would prefer you not to do any optimisation at all. If you do anything to try and cheat the system you are only an algorithm update away from a ‘Google slap’. Instead, any links you build must look natural. How can you achieve this? Through providing great content. This is why a professional content writer should now be on your speed dial for SEO services.

Here is a rundown of the five pillars of the new rules of SEO:

Target A Wider Range Of Keywords – Not so long ago the SEO mantra was to always use keywords as your ‘anchor text’ (the words that are highlighted to form the link). Inevitably, this led to website owners committing the sin of ‘over optimising’ and only using the same few high traffic keywords in their links. Nowadays, you need to have a selection of anchor text to reflect the many ways in which people enter links to sites. Rather than just having ‘snow blower’ as your link in every syndicated blog post and article, you need to include phrases like ‘visit our snow plough website’, ‘we sell the best snow ploughs‘ and more varied links that reflects the different ways people link around the internet.

Social Media Links- What other people think has always been a strong barometer of what is relevant and can be trusted. So Likes, Tweets and other social media indicators are being used in Google’s algorithm. How do you get all these social signals? That’s correct, through employing a copywriter to write great content for you. In fact, you can now get as much traffic from social media sites as you can the search engines. One day the social web’s influence may grow to the level where you dont even have to worry about search engine optimisation ever again.

Posting On Popular Blogs – Getting backlinks on relevant sites with a high page rank has always been SEO gold. The only problem is that now everyone wants to contribute to the most popular blogs. They will be less than impressed if you send them rehashed content, rewritten and handed over as original thought. Instead, blog owners want articles that has something new to say. Providing this content takes research and time to put together such unique, original guest posts. But the delicious ‘link juice’ you gain will make all the effort worth it.

Exit Rate – Much like a rubber ball bouncing against a wall, this is the number of people who abandon your site without checking out other pages. This means the longer people stay reading your articles the more respect you’ll get from the internet’s most popular search engine. So to improve your search engine rankings, you will need top quality content that keeps them engaged, answers their questions and encourages them to read more.

Google Authorship – Google+ might still be lagging behind its rivals, but Google+ is becoming important to your SEO strategy. If you havent already, you need to start adding members to your Google+ Circles because it gives Google a clear indication that you have something interesting to say. You also need to add the Google+ authorship link to your website because it lets Google know that you can be trusted to deliver top quality information that keeps people interested and that you deserve a high ranking in its search results.

So, as you can see from these 5 rules of SEO , quality content is going to be the currency of earning high rankings in 2013 and every year ahead. To gain higher search engine rankings you need to form partnerships with content producers and/or copywriters. The added bonus is that along with higher search engine rankings, you will be improving your reputation as an expert and thought leader . Higher website conversions and more enquiries on your website will arise .

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